Just a heads up- the web build is kinda broken for some people. I recommend playing on firefox with the game fullscreened.

Just an arcade-style shooter I made for fun. 3 hits, ur dead. Health pickup spawns at the top of the map every once in a while. Going out the sides or bottom of the map causes you to teleport, but don't use it too much! A and D to move, Space to jump, Mouse to aim, Left Click to shoot. Your trusty shotgun can shoot a spread of three bullets with a cooldown of one second, and will launch you back with some massive recoil if shooting midair. Watch out for the flying bomb-drones! they'll take you out quick. See if you can figure out the patterns on the bomb-drone factories. ;)

This project was the sole result of 4 years of messing with Unity. yep. I was going to expand on it but eventually just decided to move on.

Good luck, and have fun! Post your high score in the comments if you want :D